About us

Kiruhura Women Development Agency (K-WIDE)

A registered indigenous Non-Government Organization that was formed in 2014 by a group of 05 women touched by the unfair conditions in which women and girls live in Uganda and Kiruhura in particular. The organization has evolved from a small Community Based Organization to a National NGO registered with the NGO bureau of Uganda.

Target population

We work with girls, and women as our primary focus while men and boys and community leaders are our secondary beneficiaries.

Organization core Values

Our work is hinged on; transparency and accountability, do no harm, honesty and integrity, non-discrimination, inclusiveness, participation, respect to privacy and confidentiality.

Our Community Engagements:

Activities implemented

Skilling the Girl Child

We have trained 165 girls in bakery; i.e making

Community dialogue meetings

We have so far held 12 community dialogue meetings

Covid 19 interventions

Aware of the impact of Covid-19 and how it

Back yard gardening

K -WIDE has supported teen mothers to establish backyard

Disability Inclusion

We have supported PWDs with wheel chairs.  

Girls Meet

A number of girl focused meetings have been held

Implementation approaches

Our work is hinged on social behavior change and communication (SBCC) to influence change

Theories of work

We are guided by a mixture of theories of behavioral change, i.e social ecological theory and the social learning theory.

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Cross cutting issues

We are cognizant of the intersectionality concept and how it brings about multiple vulnerabilities. As such K-WIDE has integrated cross cutting issues such as disability, HIV, environment and gender into programs.

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Complete Projects
Communities Reached
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People Reached

Implementation Strategies

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Advancing Women’s’ leadership by working directly with women and girls

Mobilizing families, communities, and influencers to cause change in the community

Promotion of girls education and leadership

Economic empowerment of families

Awareness raising and mindset change

Providing direct services to at-risk, married, and formerly married girls and women

Advocating for the establishment and implementation of effective laws and policies

See Our Work Portfolio

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  • All
  • Projects
Skilling the Girl Child

Skilling the Girl Child

We have trained 165

Skilling the Girl Child

We have trained 165 girls in bakery; i.e making mbagiya, crisps, madazi, chapats and cookies. The little money made out of sales has enabled them to meet some of their basic personal needs like knickers, Vaseline, body sprays and sanitary pads which previously were some of the items that lured girls into early unions and child marriages. Equally this engagement kept them busy not to engage with bad groups, going to video halls, and…

Community dialogue meetings

We have so far held 12 community dialogue meetings about the dangers of child marriage in 03 Sub counties of Kashongi, Kenshunga and Kiruhura Town Council targeting community leaders and parents calling upon them to revive their roles in creating a protective environment both at home, and community for the girl child to unleash her potential. This has increased their knowledge and understanding of the drivers of child marriage and appreciate the dangers of…

Covid 19 interventions

Covid 19 interventions

Aware of the impact

Covid 19 interventions

Aware of the impact of Covid-19 and how it is making the marginalized households more vulnerable, following a number home visit activities, and reports of food insecurity from project beneficiaries, and a discussion by the Board, it was sought to be important to provide crucial relief items to some of the worse hint households. The items included posho, soap, potatoes and beans. We were also in position to provide maize for planting purposes. At…

Back yard gardening

Back yard gardening

K -WIDE has supported

Back yard gardening

K -WIDE has supported teen mothers to establish backyard gardens to improve food security and nutrition as well as livelihoods standards for their families. They have been trained in mushroom growing and have established their own mushroom gardens for commercial purposes.


Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion

We have supported PWDs

Disability Inclusion

We have supported PWDs with wheel chairs.


Girls Meet

Girls Meet

A number of girl

Girls Meet

A number of girl focused meetings have been held both for in and out of school girls to equip them with life skills, knowledge and information about SRHR.


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